What Does Boo Mean? | The Word Counter (2024)

When someone hears a loud eerie “BOO” in the middle of the night, their first thought is usually to call the Ghostbusters — but have you ever wondered why ghosts say boo? Where did this three-letter word come from, and why is it synonymous with scary creatures?

What Does Boo Mean? | The Word Counter (1)

You have questions, and we have answers. Read on as we explore the word boo (buː/bu/bo͞o) to uncover its definition, origin, and more.

What Is the Definition of Boo?

According to the Collins Dictionary, someone might say “Boo!” loudly and suddenly when they want to surprise, startle, or frighten another individual who doesn’t know that they are there — hence why it’s often said by ghosts!

With this definition in mind, there’s no denying that the name Boo is quite fitting for the small spherically shaped ghost that’s only viable when your back is turned when playing Super Mario Party games.

That said, our word of the day is also a sound that people make to show when they don’t like or approve of something or someone. For example, you might say boo after someone makes an unfavorable announcement.

Additionally, our word of the day, boo, can be used as an interjection, noun, and even as a transitive and intransitive verb:

  • Interjection — a shout that is commonly used to express disgust, chiefly at events such as a political meeting, theatrical production, or sporting event
  • Intransitive Verb (word forms booing or booed) — this prolonged sound is used to express disapproval.
  • Noun (plural boos) — a shout used to express contempt, disapproval, or scorn.
  • Transitive Verb — to show disapproval by booing.

What Does Boo Mean as a Slang Word?

Boo can also be used as a slang term of endearment to reference your significant other. As in, “I went on a date with my boo” or “Me and my boo-thang are headed to the amusem*nt park today.”

Used as an affectionate term, boo is synonymous with another slang word, bae. The term bae is used primarily by the younger generation to reference the most important person in their life, putting them before anyone else.

What Is the Etymology of Boo?

Dating all the way back to 1630-1640 and first noted as an expressive formation, boo is a derivative of the French beau. A fun fact about the word history behind our word of the day is that as far back as 500 years ago, variations of the word boo (boh or bo just to name a few) have been found in various published works.

What Are the Synonyms and Antonyms of Boo?

Now that you understand the many meanings behind our word of the day, let’s explore some synonyms and antonyms, shall we?


  • Scoff at
  • Hoot
  • Shout down
  • Trash talk
  • Shout at
  • Derision
  • Howl down
  • Jibe at
  • Bae
  • Pick on
  • Butt in
  • Make game of
  • Shout catcalls at
  • Give a hard time
  • Sneer at
  • Jeer at
  • Poke fun at
  • Holler
  • Howl
  • Raspberry
  • Mock
  • Shriek
  • Fleer at
  • Make light of
  • Decry
  • Poke mullock at
  • Scout at
  • Dig at
  • Make a fool of
  • Catcall
  • Hiss
  • Taunt
  • Razz
  • Show contempt
  • Take the mickey
  • Make sport of
  • Jeer
  • Heckle
  • Take the piss out of
  • Bite one’s thumb at
  • Bronx cheer
  • Wolf whistle
  • peek-a-boo
  • Shout of derision
  • Ridicule
  • Jibe
  • Bait
  • Significant other
  • Better half
  • Razzing
  • Other half
  • Torment
  • Rattle
  • Deride
  • Live-in lover
  • Plus one
  • Jeering
  • Trouble and strife
  • Soul mate
  • Next of kin


  • Big up
  • Acclaim
  • Clap
  • Approve
  • Laud
  • Cheer
  • Applaud
  • Give it up for
  • Compliment
  • Flatter
  • Exalt
  • Commend
  • Praise
  • Please
  • Comfort
  • Calm
  • Help
  • Soothe
  • Encourage
  • Arrange
  • Leave alone
  • Aid
  • Reassure
  • Applause
  • Encouragement
  • Adulation

How Can You Use Boo in a Sentence?

Ready to put your newfound knowledge to the test? Quiz yourself to see how many sentences you can conjure up with the correct usage of the word boo.

Not sure where to start? Here are some example sentences for you to review below:

After he missed the game-winning shot —with three teammates wide open, mind you — Todd was greeted with a chorus of boos from the stands. Honestly, he deserved every one of them after being such a ball hog the entire game.

Try as he might, there was no way Terrance could forget the boos he received last night after his abysmal performance in the theater.

Charlie got a boo-boo on her paw, and we had to carry her inside to take care of it.

Honestly, does the professor think we are a walking, talking thesaurus? How are we supposed to memorize all these idioms, collocations, antonyms, and synonyms of all our vocabulary words by tomorrow? I have barely begun to memorize everything about the first word on the list, boo.”

After hearing a loud boo coming from behind my TV, I am convinced that there is a poltergeist in my house.

What Are Translations of Boo?

Did you know that “boo” can be said in more ways than one? Here are some common translations:

  • British English — Boo
  • Brazilian Portuguese — vaiar
  • Chinese (simplified) — 发出嘘声以示不满
  • European Spanish — abuchear
  • French — huer
  • Arabic — بو
  • Bulgarian — дюдюкане
  • Finnish — buuata
  • Greek — μπου
  • French — huer
  • German — ausbuhen
  • Italian — fischiare
  • Japanese — ブーイングする
  • Korean — 야유하다
  • European Portuguese — vaiar
  • Spanish — abuchear
  • American English — Boo
  • Thai — โห่ไล่


Our word of the day can be used to express contempt, scorn, or disapproval, as well as to startle or frighten. Boo is also a slang word that is commonly used among teens as a term of endearment for a girlfriend or boyfriend.


What does boo mean? boo Definition. Meaning of boo. | OnlineSlangDictionary.com

Boo definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

BOO | definition | Cambridge English Dictionary

What Does Boo Mean? | The Word Counter (2)

Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

What Does Boo Mean? | The Word Counter (2024)


What does the word Boo refer to? ›

noun (1) plural boos. 1. : a shout of disapproval or contempt.

Why do Cajuns say boo? ›

Boo. A term of endearment a parent or grandparent would call a small child, presumably Cajun in origin. Sometimes refers to your sweetheart, too.

What does Boo mean in the audience? ›

Definition of 'boo'

If you boo a speaker or performer, you shout 'boo' or make other loud sounds to indicate that you do not like them, their opinions, or their performance.

What are Boo words? ›

boo-word in British English

(ˈbuːˌwɜːd ) noun. any word that seems to cause irrational fear. "communism" became a boo-word in the McCarthy era.

What does "do you boo" mean? ›

Definition ' You Do You, Boo' Urban Dictionary: When a person wants to do something that will cause them to be judged but they do it anyway. “Joanne wants to wear her hair in pigtails but she is getting weird looks from her classmates but her friend Ella likes them and says “you do you boo.”

What is the full form of BOO? ›

Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) is when the neck at the very bottom of your bladder gets blocked. The neck is where your bladder connects to your urethra, which carries urine (pee) out of your body. A blockage stops or slows down the flow of pee.

What does Boo mean in Southern slang? ›

It's a term of endearment, usually between significant others. Occasionally, good friends might also refer to each as their “boo” as well. It's a lot like the words “sweetheart”, or “darling.”. It means that the speaker really likes you a lot!

What does boo mean in Creole? ›

Boo — This term is believed to have Cajun roots and is often used as a term of endearment. It might be used by a parent or grandparent who calls a small child “boo” or even used as an affectionate term for your sweetheart.

What does it mean if a guy calls you boo? ›

Boo is a term of endearment for your significant other.

What does Boo mean in urban slang? ›

The word “Boo” according to the Urban Dictionary is someone you love or adore. This word is timeless for a number of reasons but mainly because of the classic records it's been immortalized in.

Who should be called Boo? ›

boo noun [C] (PERSON)

someone you care about, especially a boyfriend, girlfriend, or other close friend: You will always be my boo.

Is Boo a flirting word? ›

“Boo” is a playful term of endearment and can imply that your partner is open to some affection. If you think “boo” is a cute nickname, say it back, but if you're not into it and would prefer another pet name, don't be afraid to let them know. Communication is key to maintaining a healthy relationship.

What is another word for Boo? ›

a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt. synonyms: Bronx cheer, bird, hiss, hoot, raspberry, razz, razzing, snort. type of: call, cry, outcry, shout, vociferation, yell.

What is the scary word Boo? ›

Boo is a word used in the North of Scotland to frighten crying children. Harsh. At some point along the way, “boo” ― or, more accurately, “bo” and boh” ― became attached to ghosts.

What is boo in a relationship? ›

boo noun [C] (PERSON)

someone you care about, especially a boyfriend, girlfriend, or other close friend: You will always be my boo. Come on, boo. Let's go. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What is the urban definition of Boo? ›

The word “Boo” according to the Urban Dictionary is someone you love or adore. This word is timeless for a number of reasons but mainly because of the classic records it's been immortalized in.

How did Boo become a term of endearment? ›

Boo might be the original bae (more on this term soon). This '90s word is an affectionate name for a significant other. The term is thought to have originated in hip hop culture and spread into pop culture from there. Boo may be connected to the French beau or the pet name baby.

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.